How can you help?
Our foundation’s CatHouse operates at the Pet Clinic in Buda, courtesy of Dr. Hacco Oren, so our cats are under direct medical supervision.
We operate with a constantly full house, we receive animals in distress from all over the country, for whom we are looking for responsible owners after their recovery and rehabilitation.
Our volunteers take care of the cats.
The home welcomes visitors and volunteers by prior arrangement.
We are looking for help in taking care of our rescues (feeding, cleaning, occupation, playtimes), small assembly and repair works if needed.
Location: Budapest, Csárda u. 10, 1112 Hungary
Collecting Donations
Our volunteers take smaller shifts, and they are not alone (usually one of our furry friend comes as well), so you don’t have to feel overwhelmed.
Just drop by and help us with your presence.
For news and details, check out our FaceBook page or send us a message.
Frequent Locations:
Temporary Fostering
Temporary fostering plays an important role in the outcome of adopting our animals: while they learn what a sofa, love, family, toy is, their foster family helps us get to know more about our rescue cat or dog.
This makes it easier for us to choose the ideal family for adoption.
In addition, you also make it possible for us to save another animal.
In case of temporary admission, our organization continues to bear the costs (for example, medical care, food, litter, medicines) so that our volunteers have more time for what is important: caring for their temporary adoptee.
Marketing Help
We spend a lot of time in maintanance of our social media profiles, because our online presence helps finding homes to our adoptees.
You can help in collecting, creating and managing content (descriptions, pictures, videos), so we can spend more time to care for our animals.
If you have marketing / graphic skills, or if you just feel that you would like to be our volunteer from home, feel free to write to us!
We are looking for a helping hand on any of our accounts: TikTok, Instagram, FaceBook or YouTube.
Other Volunteering Opportunities
- You can help with the TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release) program.
- You can help with transportation, collecting donations, transporting animals.
- You can help to recruit members and volunteers.
- You can help to find sponsors and a place for our donation collection box.
- You can help to organize events.
- You can help to follow up on public reports (injured cats needs help somewhere, etc..).
- You can help to contact foreign organizations.
- You can help to interpret and translate.